Tuesday, 14 August 2018


Our family are using various different routes to emigrate to the UK.

If you are considering emigrating to the UK and want to see what routes are open to you, I'd suggest visiting this website.  It is backed by Sable International/First Contact and it offers a free assessment.

In our case, our elder daughter Roxy, her husband and children are going the British passport and Spousal Visa + dependants route.  Our younger daughter is going the Tier 4 (study) visa route.  Grant and I are going via an Ancestry visa for Grant, with me as dependant.

It's been quite a process getting our heads around the various visas and their requirements.  Probably the biggest headache has been figuring out how to get our younger daughter Paula into the UK.  Paula is a qualified Speech Language Pathologist, so we'd hoped she could enter the UK on a Tier 2 visa - I spent many months researching that option, but unfortunately after a while I realised that: a) it wasn't that easy to get into the UK on a Tier 2 visa and b) it wasn't going to happen for Paula!

I think many people labour under the misconception that if you come from "English stock" it will be easy to emigrate to the UK.  Unfortunately that just isn't true.  I see so many people getting their hopes dashed when they begin to investigate their options.  Basically, if you don't have a British Passport or an English ancestor who is no further back than a grandparent, your chances of easily emigrating to the UK are very small.  You are then left with only the option of a Tier 2 visa, a study visa (or if money isn't a factor - the investor or entrepreneur visa.  There are the odd exceptions to this, but they are anomalies and few and far between.

Photo by Sofia Sforza on Unsplash

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